Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Ms. Lolo, I'm Ready For My Closeup!

If there were one word I could use to describe my photo session at Lolo’s Boudoir, it would be: baptismal. That may be far too dramatic a term but it really sums up my inspiring photo experience with photographer Lone MØrch Schneider. My 34th birthday was approaching and I wanted to replace the standard feelings of gloom about growing older with a more positive experience. Indulging myself with a sexy and revealing boudoir photo session was the best birthday gift I could give to myself.

In a serendipitous way I happened upon Lolo’s Boudoir website (http://www.lolosboudoir.com/) and instantly knew she was the one. Her photographic style instinctively appealed to me: ethereal but natural, timeless, spontaneous, sensual and revealing yet at times coquettish. I can’t claim to be an expert on the art of photography but I have strong opinions on what I like and don’t like. So many other photo boudoir websites had revealed to be tacky, campy and very artificial. Lolo’s Boudoir has heartfelt style.

Before our session I felt a little self conscious and I had warned Lone that I might prove to be one of her more ‘curvier’ clients and that given the wrong angle I might not be one of her most photogenic! She reassured me through examples from her portfolio she would discover the best I had to give. Lone possesses artistic mindfulness. She kindly encouraged the real me to the surface and helped me uncover the beauty I thought I never possessed. The entire experience was an awakening and rebirth of my sensual spirit.

Lone has the magical ability to transform any environment. We had an outdoors photo shoot where she transformed the forest into a starlet’s dressing room. Lone’s gentle, fun and professional personality allowed me to shed all inhibitions. I spent a cold winter morning frolicking about the forest, playing the role of nymph, drama queen and even bathing beauty as I shed all and luxuriated in the freezing cold stream water. At that moment I felt I had experienced a ‘creative baptism’ of sorts.

Regardless of just whom you have in mind while you’re smiling (or smirking, flirting, luring) for while posing for the camera lens; you should always be posing for yourself. Just you. A photographic experience at Lolo’s Boudoir is all about you. It’s a special time for you to be sensual, carefree, indulgent, sexy and alluring. With a complimentary glass of champagne and a few nibbles of fine chocolate…how could you not be?

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