Friday, January 15, 2010

Take Action: Haiti Earthquake

There are two different types of tragedies one might face in this world. Ones that are beyond our control (acts of God, forces of nature) and ones that are completely within our control (ignorance, hate) if we choose to change them.

The 7.3 earthquake that struck Haiti on January 12, 2010, resulted in the loss of an estimated 50-100,000 lives and the potential for more loss due to the logistic challenges posed from such a catastrophic event (water supplies, sanitation, and supplies distribution). It’s a tragedy beyond our control that no on one on this earth could have ever foreseen. The other tragedy is the disgustingly dim-witted remark that ‘televangelist’ Pat Robertson made on the 700 Club in stating that Haiti has been “cursed” by a “pact to the devil.” That a long time ago, while under the heel of the French (Napoleon III, he presumes) the Haitians gathered together and swore a pact to the devil if Beelzebub released them from the oppression of the French. True story (so Pat says). For any of us who have lost or witnessed the suffering of a loved one from any tragedy statements like that must feel like an evil curse. No one deserves this.

I am more than aware of the predicaments that many of us find ourselves in (unemployment, ill health, disability, financial shortcomings, emotional upsets) and the reasons we might make to forgo on helping out with aid of any kind (aid isn’t just dollars it can be clothes, volunteerism, blankets, shoes). I received a bit of a shock myself in that this week my property agent sent out a notice saying that if any tenants chose to make a donation to the Red Cross towards Haiti earthquake relief efforts that they would match any donation made. So no excuses, if the landlord can cough up than so can I.

Here are ways you can help...

• Donate $10 by texting “HAITI” to 9-0-9-9-9
• Visit or call 1-800-RED-CROSS
• Volunteer for the American Red Cross, please contact your local chapter
• Check with your employer, church, property management to enquire about matching donations

Some tragedies we can turn around so when the rubble begins to clear in Haiti then perhaps, God willing of course, we can band together again and purchase Saint Robertson a first class airplane ticket to the 21st century.

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