Sunday, January 10, 2010

Mangia: English Brekky

My cooking skills remain debatable within some circles but there’s one meal I can easily whip up and that is an authentic English breakfast. I won’t bother rehashing what you can find on the Internet. Instead, I’ll recite the recipe from memories of helping make this simple, quick and hearty dish every morning while in lock up over the New Year weekend in a cottage outside Oxford. Don’t worry about measurements and specifications; the beauty in this brekky is that any tosser can make it while emerging out of their late Saturday night pub crawl coma.

2-3 cups mushrooms
1 tin of baked beans
2 tomatoes
½ cup orange juice
3-4 rashers (i.e.: Canadian bacon)
2 bangers (i.e.: sausage)
2 eggs
4 slices bread
cooking oil

1.) Turn the oven on to broil.
2.) Slice a cup or two of mushrooms, set aside for now.
3.) Pour a couple tbs. of cooking oil in frying pan and place under low to medium heat on the stovetop, place the rashers in the pan.
4.) In a separate stirring pan pour the baked beans and simmer on low heat.
5.) In yet another stirring pan, drop in 2 tbs. butter and simmer on low to medium heat. Toss the sliced mushrooms in, periodically stirring until they’re light brown.
6.) Slice tomatoes in half, place on an oven dish and lightly drizzle cooking oil over the tops. Place the tomatoes in the oven under the broiler. Not sure for how long but keep an eye on them! You want them to be grilled, juicy and the skin slightly crisp.
7.) Pop bread in the toaster; get the kettle going.
8.) Flip the rashers over and crack two eggs to fry sunny side up.
9.) Toss in a half cup of orange juice in to the mushroom pan (yes, OJ!). Stir and sprinkle in some salt and pepper.

A cup of Earl Grey or English Breakfast tea goes great, steep and drop in a few cubes sugar and milk. Throw it all on a plate and slop on whatever condiments you like (HP sauce, mmm!)

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