Saturday, February 27, 2010

Asia: Bhutan

I remember the sights of Bhutan
Vibrant red poinsettias
Endless green mountainsides
Stair stepped rice terraces
Sacred golden temples and majestic Dzongs
108 white prayer flags scattered on a hill
And homes adorned with bright colorful artwork- Showing the joy and culture of this land.

I remember the sounds of Bhutan.
Quiet, Blessed Quiet.
Roosters crowing at dawn
Schoolchildren yelling “Bye, Bye!”
A Granny calling us to her temple
Chants- which open the heart
And the frantic yet harmonic music
At the Temple of the Divine Madman.

I remember the tastes of Bhutan
Spicy pumpkin curry soup
Nutty, robust red rice
Sweet apples- just picked that morning
Surprise chocolates at Tigers Nest
And mostly- chilies, red fiery chilies
Hot, hot, hot.

I remember the smells of Bhutan
Pure, fresh air
Incense in the Temples
Smoky fires ready to make tea
Sweet wildflowers sprinkled along our path
And the pungent smell of chilies
Baking on the hot tin roofs.

But Mostly…
I remember the people of Bhutan
The sweetness of the young monks
The joy in the children’s faces
The smiles and helping hands from Ongdi, Tsetn and Ugen
Sangay’s great love and knowledge of his country.
And my Bhutanese Guardian Angel- Kinley.
Showing me the heart and soul of this land
While making me feel safe every step of the way.

I remember Bhutan
With gratitude and joy.

Poet: S. Enderle

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